

  • 卢祖法主编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:红旗出版社
  • ISBN:96217063312
  • 出版时间:1985
  • 标注页数:229页
  • 文件大小:136MB
  • 文件页数:251页
  • 主题词:


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奋力爬坡开拓前进&梁湘 Scalig New Heights and Opening up Paths for Advance—APreface to the Book"The New Look of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone"&By Liang Xiang1

深圳市地理位置图 The Location Map of Shenzhen City3

深圳特区发展规划示意图 A Chart Showing Shenzhen SEZ's Development Plan4

深圳在开放和改革中崛起 Shenzhen is Rising in the Process of Pursuing the Open Policy and Making Reforms5

深圳市经济发展情况表 A Chart Showing the Economic Development of Shenzhen City11

深圳特区节日之夜 A festival night of Shenzhen Special Zone12

生机勃勃的罗湖区 Flourishing Luohu District13

工贸技合—的罗湖区工业发展公司 Luohu Industrial Development Company—A Three-In-One Enterprise of Industry,Trade and Technology14

罗湖区教育事业大发展 Luohu's Education Evidences a Big Boom15

富甲全国的渔民村 China's Top Well-to-do Village—Luohu Fishing Village15

大胆改革街道管理方法的蛟湖办事处 Jiaohu Subdistrict Office Plucky To Reform Its Administration16

蔡屋围村的可喜变化 Gratifying Changes in Caiwuwei Village16

日新月异的上步区 Shangbu Industrial District Changing with Each Passing Day17

一个大型的集团式企业——深圳经济特区发展公司 A Large-Scale Group Enterprise—Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Development Company19

为南油开发提供良好服务的南海石油深圳开发服务总公司 Nanhai Oilfields Shenzhen Development Service Company Providing Good Services for Opening the South China Sea Oilfields23

繁荣兴旺的沙头角 Brisk Shatoujiao25

特区“外引内联”工业迅速发展 Foreign Capital and Technology and Domestic Connections Have Contributed to the Taking-off of the SEZ's Industry28

特区工业发展的“开路先锋”——深圳市工业发展服务公司 A Pioneer in the Industrial Development of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone31

迅速发展的深圳市电子工业总公司 Shenzhen General Electronics Industry Company—Developing Rapidly35

在改革中前进的深圳爱华电子有有限 Shenzhen Aihua Electronics Ltd.Progressing in the Course of the Reform36

深圳市最早的电子企业——深圳市无线电工贸公司 The Earliest Electrocs Enterprise—Shenzhen Municipal Radio Industry&Trade Company40

一个新型的电子公司 A New Type Electronics Industrial and Trading Company41

开拓现代先进科学技术的深圳市先科技术开发公司 Shenzhen Advanced Science&Technology Development Corp.Developing Ultramodern Science and Technology42

积极发挥技术窗口作用的中国航空技术进出口公司深圳工贸中心 CASTIC Serving as a Technology Window43

技术先进的深圳市大明半导体有限公司 Shenzhen Daming Semiconductor Company Ltd.—Updating Its Equipment&Staff45

康乐电子有限公司经济效益名列同行业前茅 The Economic Results of Shenzhen Kangle Electronics ComPany Limied—At the top of the Ladder46

管理科学产品先进的深圳华强三洋电子有限公司 Shenzhen Huaqiang Sanyo Electronics Co.Ltd.—An Enterprise with Scientific Management&Advanced Products47

开发电子测量新技术的兰光电子有限公司 Languang Electronics Co Ltd., A Specialized Company Opening up New Technology of Electronic Measurement49

由三家小厂发展起来的深圳市机械工业公司 Shenzhen Machinery Industrial Company Growing Out of Three Small Factories51

中国第二砂轮厂深圳联合公司产品进人国际市场 The Second Abrasive Wheel Factory's Shenzhen Associated Corporation—Top Quality Products Producer52

舒乐牌吊扇令用户舒服快乐 Shule Ceiling Fan Bringing Comfort and Pleasure53

新华深圳电线电缆联合公司的产品质量达到国际通用标准 Xinhua Shenzhen Electric Wire&Cable Co.—Quality of Products Up to the World Standard54

深圳第一家机器人公司 Shenzhen's First Robot Producer54

深圳远东机械有限公司产品全部外销 Shenzhen Far East Machinery Co.Ltd.Having All Its Products Exported55

深圳煤矿机电设备公司 Shenzhen Coal Mine Machinery&Electrical Equipment Co55

发展前景广阔的深圳石油化学工业公司 Petro-Chemical Industry Corporation, Bright Prospect for Shenzhen56

外引内联成效显著的深圳市轻工业公司 Shenzhen Light Industry Co.Benefiting from Introducing the Foreign Investment and Co-operating with the Interior59

起步早发展快的中国北方工业公司 China Northern Industrial Corporation—Starting Up Early and Developing Rapidly61

实力雄厚的华联纺织有限公司 Union Textile of China Ltd.with Solid Strength63

向外向型企业发展的深圳市食品饮料工业公司 New and Developing Export-oriented Enterprise—Shenzhen City Food&Beverage Manufacturing Company65

深圳市罐头食品公司的产品远销欧美 Export-oriented Shenzhen Canned Food Company66

深圳市建材工业公司在发展中 Developing Shenzhen Building Materials Industry Company67

设备先进管理科学的乌石古石场 Wushigu Quarry—An Enterprise with Modern Equipment and Scientific Management69

深圳市水泥制品厂产品质量居全省同行业前茅 Number One is Quality Shenzhen Cement Products Plant70

华益铝厂有限公司设备先进产品销往世界各地 China Excelsior Aluminium Factory Ltd.,A Well-Equipped Factory Having Its Products Sold Well Abroad71

欣欣向荣的广东省沙河华侨企业公司 Flourishing Shahe Overseas Chinese Enterprise Co73

实行全面系列化承包的深圳市装饰工程工业总公司 Shenzhen Decoration Engineering Industry Corporation Adopting an Overall Contracting System75

有竞争能力的深圳华侨傢俬有限公司 Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Furniture Co.Ltd.—An Enterprise with Advanced Equipment and Competitiveness77

创出名牌产品的家乐床具厂 Calo Furniture Mill—Creating Famous Products78

深圳市工艺服装工业公司在开放中发展 Shenzhen Handicraft&Garment Company—Progressing in the Course of Opening to the World79

日益繁荣兴旺的特区商业 Increasingly Booming Business in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone80

不断改革、创新、发展的深圳经济特区进出口贸易(集团)公司 Import and Export Trade(Group)Corporation of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone—Reforming,Innovating and Developing83

贸工农综合发展的深圳经济特区食品贸易(集团)公司 Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Food Trading(Group)Corporation Which Incorporates Trade,Industry and Agriculture87

内外贸一体化、产供销一条龙的深圳市果菜贸易公司 Shenzhen Greengrocery Co.—Domestic Trade and Foreign Trade Combined;Production,Supply and Marketing Well-Coordinated89

生产和科研结合的新光牛奶联合公司 Xinguang United Milk Corporation Combining Scientific Research with Production90

广深食品联合贸易行荣获国家部级优质产品奖 Guangshen Food Cooperative Trading Firm Honoured with Ministry Level Quality Award91

不断发展的深圳经济特区工业品贸易(集团)公司 Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Industrial Products Trading(Group)Corporation on the Upgrade92

深圳特区的等一家驻港企业——深业(集团)有限公司 The First Enterprise of Shenzhen SEZ in Hong Kong—Shum Yip Holdings Company Limited93

靠开放政策发展的深圳市免税商品供应公司 Shenzhen Duty-free Commodity Supply Corporation Building up Fortunes under the Policy of Opening to the Outside World95

特区建设的“先行官”——深圳市物资总公司 Shenzhen Supplies General Company—Vanguard of Building SEZ97

努力开拓创新的深圳市机电设备公司 Shenzhen Machine&Electric Apparatus Company—Taking Pains to Break a New Path99

深圳外贸(集团)公司在改革中前进 Shenzhen Foreign Trade(Group)Corporation Advancing in the Reform101

由亏损老户变成盈利大户的深圳市粮油食品进出口公司 Shenzhen Cereals,Oils&Foodstuff Import&Export Co.—From Making Big Losses to Making Big Profits103

深圳国际商场改革成效显著 Shenzhen International Shopping Centre—Achieving Remarkable Economic Results in Reforms105

努力提高服务质量的深圳市饮食服务公司 Shenzhen Catering Service Company Plunging into the Reforms with Enthusiasm107

创造第一流服务的雅园宾馆 International Hotel—Providing First Class Services108

倍受称赞的华侨港澳同胞之“家” A Highly Praised'Home'for Overseas Chinese and Hongkong and Macao Compatriots109

湖北省发展对外贸易的窗口 "Window"of Hubei Province in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone111

河南省驻深圳办事处发挥对外贸易的桥梁作用 Shenzhen Agency of the Foreign Economic&Trade Department of Henan Province Serving as a Bridge in the Development of Foreign Trade113

在开放中发展的湖南省驻深圳办事处 Resident Representative Office in Shenzhen of Hunan Provincial Foreign Economic&Trade Committee—Progressing in the Course of Opening to the World115

发展中的新型的特区金融业 A New Type Finance Business Developing in Shenzhen SEZ116

不断开拓前进的中国银行深圳分行 Bank of China Shenzhen Branch—Keeping Forging Ahead119

努力开创金融服务新路的中国工商银行深圳分行 China Industrial and Commercial Bank,Shenzhen Branch Endeavouring to Pioneer in Financial Services123

积极支持特区建设的中国人民建设银行深圳分行 Shenzhen Construction Bank—An Enthusiastic Supporter of Construction of Special Zone125

深圳国际信托投资总公司积极发展国际金融业务促进特区建设 Shenzhen International Trust and Investment Corporation—Advancing International Financial Operations and Promoting the Shenzhen SEZ Construction127

向多元化外向型发展的中国农业银行深圳分行 China Agricultural Bank Shenzhen Branch—A Diversified Bank Pointing Its Business Towards the Outside World129

新兴的特区保险事业 Insurance—A Burgeoning Business in Shenzhen SEZ130

颇受欢迎的中日(深圳)租赁有限公司 China-Japan(Shenzhen)Leasing Co.,Ltd.in a Popular Trade131

新型的金融服务机构深圳经济特区发展财务公司 A New Type Financial Service Institution—Shenzhen SEZ Development Finance Corporation133

贸工农结合的深圳农牧业 Trade,Industry and Agricultural Incorporated in the SEZ134

阔步前进的宝安县 Baoan County Striding Forward137

光明畜牧场开拓光明的道路 Guangming Huaqiao(Overseas Chinese)Livestock Farm Searching and Forging Ahead on a Bright Road141

一业为主、多种经营的深圳市凯华企业贸易公司 Shenzhen Kaihua Business Company Conducting Multiple Business,with One as Keylink142

设备先进效益显著的正大康地——深圳有限公司 Modern Equipment,High Efficiency Chia Tai Conti—SZ.Ltd143

谱写我国建筑史上新篇章的特区建筑业 The Construction Industry in the SEZ Has Added a New Chapter to China's Construction Annals144

创造我国建筑新记录的中建三局深圳一公司 China's Third Construction Engineering Bureau Shenzhen Company Which Has Set a New Record in Construction in China147

创造全优样板工程的江苏省建筑安装工程公司(深圳)一公司 A Model Building Company Which Achieves Overall Fine Quality149

引人注目的华西企业公司 Sichuan Huaxi Company—A Striking Enterprise151

深圳首家大型建筑联合企业——深圳市建设(集团)公司 Shenzhen City Construction(Group)Corporation—The First Large Construction Complex in Shenzhen155

成效卓著的深圳市城市建设开发(集团)公司 Trail Blazer in the Building of City Residential Quarters—Shenzhen City Building Development Co157

为开放服务的深圳经济特区房地产公司 Serving the Special Economic Zone and the Open Policy159

具有民族建筑特色的新华城 New China City with Chinese Architectural Style161

为特区描绘新图的机械工业部设计研究总院深圳分院 Designing and Researching General Institute of Ministry of Machine Building Industry,Shenzhen Branch Making Efforts to Depict New Pictures for the Special Zone162

集南北建筑设计风格于一身的深圳市建筑设计院 Shenzhen Architectural Designing Institute Pooling Together Design Styles Both from South and North165

技术力量雄厚的广东省建筑设计研究院 The Strongly Staffed Architectural Design and Research Institute of Guangdong Province167

特区工程质量的“卫士” A Trustworthy Superintendent of Project Engineering Quality in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone170

为特区建设审计把关的深圳特区基建合同审计站 Shenzhen SEZ Capital Construction Contracts Budget Auditing Station Ensuring Good Auditing for SEZ Construction Projects171

日益完善的市政交通设施 Continuously Developing and Perfecting SEZ Municipal Infrastructure and Transportation172

大规模发展的特区供电事业 Developing Electricity Supply in the Special Zone175

日趋现代化的深圳电信业 Shenzhen's Telecommunication Being Modernized177

日益发展的特区供水事业 SEZ's Water Supply System in Constant Expansion179

为建设花园城市作贡献的深圳市园林公司 Shenzhen Gardening Company Contributing to Building a Garden City180

前进中的深圳航运事业 Shenzhen's Shipping Industry Forging Ahead181

高速建成的赤湾深水港 Chiwan—A Deep Water Port Completed with Record Speed183

发展中的深圳市公共汽车公司 The City Bus Company in Rapid Development186

发展快规模大的汽车出租公司 The Hitherto Largest Automobile Service Company in Shenzhen District187

深圳特区第一家合作经营的小汽车出租公司 The First Joint Venture Taxi Company in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone188

积极为开放服务的九龙海关 Jiulong Customs,Reforming Boldly and Serving the Open Policy Actively189

业务广信誉好的深圳外运分公司 Shenzhen Foreign Trade Transportation Company with Extensive Services and Good Reputation191

方兴未艾的深圳旅游业 Shenzhen's Tourism Mushrooming192

兴旺发达的深圳市旅游总公司 Shenzhen General Travel Service Company—A Flourishing Enterprise195

全国旅游先进单位——西丽湖渡假村 Xili Lake Holiday Village,A Pace-Setter in China's Tourism197

令人欢乐无穷的欢乐园 The Pleasure Garden—A Merry Recreation Ground199

集岭南建筑艺术精华的银湖旅游中心 Silver Lake Tourist Cen?e—A Project Incorporating the Essence of the Architectural Styles of South China200

具有中国特色的大型娱乐园——香蜜湖渡假村 Honey Lake Country Club—A Big Recreational Park with Chinese Features201

独具特色的小梅沙海滨旅游中心 Xiao Meisha Beach Tourist Centre—Beautiful and Unique203

深圳第一个国际标准的高尔夫球场 The First World Standard Golf Course in Shenzhen204

精神文明建设与经济建设同步发展 Spiritual Civilization Construction and Economic Construction Developing Simultaneously205

在改革中发展的特区教育事业 Education in SEZ Progressing Amid Reforms207

蓬勃发展的特区科技业 The Vigorously Developing SEZ Science and Technology209

在“0”的基础上发展起来的特区体育事业 Physical Culture Developed from"ZERO"211

与特区同步发展的卫生事业 Public Health Work Developing Together with the SEZ213

发展中的深圳广播电视 Shenzhen Broadcasting and Television in Development215

生动活泼、富有特色的深圳特区报 Shenzhen Special Zone Daily,A New Lively and Distinctive Newspaper216

正在发展的特区文艺事业 Flourishing Literature and Art in the Special Economic Zone217

重视文化事业投资活跃特区文化生活 Attach Importance to Investing in Cultural Undertakings and Liven up Cultural Life in Special Zone219

一支新型的干部职工队伍在开放改革中成长 The Open Policy and Reforms Have Helped Foster a New Contingent of Cadres,Staff and Workers222

中国国际贸易促进委员会对外经济贸易仲裁委员会深圳办事处 Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shenzhen Office226

开创办学新路的深圳大学 Shenzhen University—Starting a New Way to Run School227
