

  • 唐念尧主编 著
  • 出版社: 兰州市:甘肃民族出版社
  • ISBN:9787542114570
  • 出版时间:2009
  • 标注页数:545页
  • 文件大小:50MB
  • 文件页数:568页
  • 主题词:教育工作-对外关系-英语-写作


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Ⅰ.Teachers and Students Studying abroad(师生出国)1

1.Application Letters for Admission,Continuing Education and Teaching Job(留学、研修和任教申请)1


Request Letter for Acceptance(联系接收的书信格式)2

English Proficiency for Overseas Study(留学英语水平考试)5

Explanation of the Applicant's Identity(说明申请人身份)5

Demanding Entry to a University(索取大学入学信息)7

Application for Admission to Master's Degree(申请研究生入学)8

Application for Continuing Education(申请研修)9

Application for Being a Visiting Scholar(申请做访问学者)11

Application for Bilingual Instructor(申请双语教学讲师工作)11

Introduction Letter for Acceptance(申请接收的介绍信)12

Letter for Application Preparation(准备申请材料的信)14

Cover Letter of All Application Materials(申请资料封面信)15

Information of the Mailed Recommendation Letter(告知推荐信寄出)16

Request of Replacing GRE with TOEFL(请求以TOEFL代替GRE)17

Inquiring of Application Result(询问申请结果)17

Frequent Sentences(常用句子)18

Application for Specialty and Degree(拟申请专业和学位)18

Personal Education Experience(本人教育背景)19

View of the Intended University(评价申请的学校)19

Asking for Information of the Intended University (索要申请入学的相关信息)20

Relevant Words(相关词汇)21

2.Personal Statement(个人陈述)26


Contents and Essentials(个人陈述内容及要素)26

Personal Statement for Economics(申请经济专业的个人陈述)28

Personal Statement for Mechanical Engineering(申请机械工程专业的个人陈述)29

Personal Statement for Computer Science(申请计算机科学专业的个人陈述)33

Frequent Sentences(常用句子)36

Education Experience(教育背景)36

Study Motive(求学动机)38

Research Field(研究兴趣、拟攻读方向)39

Hobbies,Activities and Interests(兴趣、活动或个性特征)40

Reasons for Choosing School and Specialty(选择学校和专业的原因)41

Advantage Relative to the Subject(跟学科相关的优势)43

Career Objective(职业计划和目标)44

Desire for Acceptance and Thanks(希望接受和感谢)45

Relevant Words(相关词汇)46

3.Curriculum Vitae(简历)49


Curriculum Vitae Ⅰ(申请读研简历Ⅰ)53

Curriculum Vitae Ⅱ(申请读研简历Ⅱ)54

Curriculum Vitae Ⅲ(申请读研简历Ⅲ)56

Curriculum Vitae Ⅳ(申请任教简历Ⅳ)57

Frequent Sentences(常用句子)64


Education Experience(教育背景)64

Work Experience(工作背景)65

Personal Skills and Qualities(个人技能和素质)66

Relevant Words(相关词汇)67

4.Recommendation for Application(留学推荐)71


Letter of Recommendation Ⅰ(推荐信Ⅰ)74

Letter of Recommendation Ⅱ(推荐信Ⅱ)76

Letter of Recommendation Ⅲ(推荐信Ⅲ)78

Letter of Recommendation Ⅳ(推荐信Ⅳ)80

Frequent Sentences(常用句子)82

Willing to Recommend(推荐意愿)82

Relationship with the Recommended(与被推荐人的关系)83

Performance of the Recommended(被推荐者的学习表现)84

Scientific Research Competence and Potentiality of the Recom-mended(被推荐者的科研能力和潜力)85

Qualities of the Recommended(被推荐者的品质)86

Language Aptitude(被推荐者的语言能力)88

Positive Attitude towards the Recommended(进一步肯定被推荐者)88

Opinions of Personal Qualities(个人素质评价)90

Relevant Words(相关词汇)92

5.Matriculation,Reply and Invitation(录取、回复及邀请)97

Urging to Issue an Acceptance Letter(催发邀请函)97

Notice of Admission(录取通知)98

Invitation Letter of being a Visiting Scholar abroad (做访问学者的邀请信)99

Invitation Letter of Offering Degree Program abroad (攻读学位的邀请信)100

Contact with the Adviser(与导师联系)104

Consideration of Scholarship Request(考虑奖学金请求)104

Purchase of an Insurance Policy(购买保险)105

Confirmation of Offering Accommodation(确认安排住宿)106

Frequent Sentences(常用句子)106

Relevant Words(相关词汇)109

6.Evidence for Going abroad(出国证明书)111


Certificate of Graduation(毕业证明)112

Certificate of Bachelor's Degree(学士学位证)112

Certificate of Master's Degree(硕士学位证)113

Certificate of Teacher's Qualification(教师资格证明)114

Schooling Certificate(学历证明)114

Schooling Record Certificate(学业证明)115

Schooling Report of Graduation Certificate(毕业成绩证明)116

Certification of Diploma(文凭公证)117

Certification of Education and Work Experiences(学习工作简历证明)118

Certificate of Merit(奖状)119

Certificate in Advanced English(高级英语合格证)119

Certificate of Foreign Language Qualification(外语合格证书)120

Evidence of Awardee(公费留学人员证明)120

Certification of a Visiting Scholar(访问学者证明)121

Certificate of At-school Study(在读证明)123

Certificate of Financial Support(财力证明)123

Certificate of Financial Sources(费用来源)124

Certificate of State Scholarship Fund Award(国家留学基金资助出国留学资格证书)125

Tuition/Research Expenses Agreement(学费同意书)126

Certificate of Deposit(存款证明)127

Statement of Financial Aid(资助声明)128

Affidavit of Support(经济担保书)129

Financial Statement for International Exchange Students(交换生的财力陈述)131

Certificate of Employment(工作证明)133

Certificate of Assignment(派遣证明)134

Certificate of Reemployment(回聘证明)135

Certificate for Mutual Visa Dismissal(持护照出境证明)135

Affidavit of Age(年龄证明)136

Certifieate of Position(职务证明)137

Certificate of Identity(身份证明)138

Marriage Lines(结婚证书)138

Certificate of Health(健康证明)139

Certificate of No Record of Criminal Ofience(无刑事犯罪记公证书)139

Certificate of Housing Ownership(房产证明)140

Certificate of Association and Club Membership(参加协会社团证明)141

Frequent Sentences(常用句子)141

Introduction of oneself and his Working Unit(本人简介、所在单位)141

Approval of Assignment,Due Return and Keeping Employment(同意派出、预期返回、保留职位)144

Studying abroad,Further Education and Visiting Expenses(留学、研修和出访费用)145

Certificates for Graduation,Degree,Titles,Award and Qualification(毕业证、学位证、职称证、获奖证和外语合格证)147

Relevant Words(相关词汇)149

7.Visa and Reservation(签证与预订)153


Passport and Visa(护照与签证)153

Visiting Cards(出访名片)153

Reservations and Acknowledgments(预订与确认)154

Visiting Cards Ⅰ(出访名片Ⅰ)155

Visiting Cards Ⅱ(出访名片Ⅱ)155

Reservation for a Flight(预订飞机座位)156

Confirmation of Flight Reservation(航班预订确认)157

Booking Rooms(预订房间)158

Confirmation of Hotel Reservation(旅馆订单确认)158

Booking Tickets(预订车票)159

Consulting Letter of Accommodation and Pickup Issue(问询住宿和接机的信)160

Frequent Sentences(常用句子)161

Visa Questioning(签证提问)161

Reservation for a Flight,at the Airport and on the Flight(预订机票,在机场和飞机上)164

Luggage Pick-up and Shopping(机场提取行李、购物)166

Reserving a Room(预订房间)167

Relevant Words(相关词汇)168

Ⅱ.Lecturing and Teaching of Foreign Experts(外国专家任教)177

1.Contact with Overseas Foreign Experts(联系海外专家)177


Qualification of Foreign Experts(外国专家资格)177

Engaging a Foreign Expert and Related Correspondence Attached(聘请外国专家信及有关来往信函)179

Engaging a Lecturer for Teachers and Students(为师生聘请学术专家)179

Reply to the Above(对上述信件的答复)180

Thanks for Acceptance of an Invitation(感谢接受邀请)181

Letter Expressing Welcome to a Foreign Expert(欢迎外国专家来校工作信)182

Reminder of the Recommendation of an English Teacher(催促推荐来华任教的英语教师)183

Asking for Information about a Foreign Teacher(要求提供外国专家教学科研情况)184

Application for Short-term Teaching Position(申请短期任教)184

Information about a Foreign Teacher(外国专家身份)185

Frequent Sentences(常用句子)186

Relevant Words(相关词汇)189

2.Along with On-campus Foreign Experts(校内外国专家)192


Inviatino Card(正式请柬)192

Invitation to a Dinner(宴会请柬)193

Invitation to a Tea Party(茶会请柬)193

Invitation to a Party(联欢会请柬)194

Invitation to a Reception(招待会请柬)195

Invitation to a School Lecture(演讲邀请)195

Invitation to University Celebration(校庆邀请)196


Receipt of Money(收款条)198


Subscription Form(订阅单)199

Doctor's Certificate(医生证明)200

Ask for Leave(病假条)200

Message on Leaving(告知离开)201

Explanation to No Payment for Apartment Repairs(关于不支付公寓维修费的说明)201

Thanks for the Care after an Accident(感谢撞车后的照料)202

Letter of Termination(关于外教结束工作的信)203

Frequent Sentences(常用句子)205

Invitation to Activities(活动邀请)205

Asking for Leave(请假)206

Receiving and Owing(收与欠)207

Leaving Words(留言)208

Words of Certificates and Forms for Foreign Experts(外教证件填表用语)209

Relevant Words(相关词汇)210

3.Employment and Regulation of Foreign Experts(外国专家聘用与管理)213


Binding documents(义务性契约)213

LUT'S Appendix of Standard Work Contract for Foreign Cultural and Educational Experts(兰州理工大学外国文教专家聘用合同)215

Extension of Employment Contract(延长聘期合同)222

Frequent Sentences(常用句子)223

Preliminary Remarks(合同序言)223

Pay and Treatment(工资及待遇)223

Working Hours,Vocation and Duties(工作时间、休息休假与职责)225

Sick Leave and Private Affair Leave(病假和事假)226

Law to the Employee(受聘方法律义务)228

Responsibility of the Employer(聘方的义务)229

Probation and Deposit for Credit(试用期和信誉保证金)230



Alteration,Cancellation and Termination(变更、解除和终止合同)232



Signature,Language and Version(签字、使用语言和版本)235

Relevant Words(相关词汇)235

4.Instructions for Applying for a Visa and Residence Permit of Foreigner(外国人申请签证和居留许可须知)238

Frequent Sentences(常用句子)238

Residence Permit Application(居留许可申请)238

Visa Application(签证申请)239

Reapplication for Visa and Residence Admission(补办签证、居留许可)239


Relevant Words(相关词汇)242

Ⅲ.International Conference/Seminar(国际会议)247

1.Publicizing the conference(宣传会议)247

Notification of Conference(会议通知)247

Plenary International Academic Conference Program(全体国际学术大会会单)249

Program Overview(会议日程)252

Manuscript Preparation Guidance(论文格式要求)254

Abstract Preparation Guidance(论文摘要格式要求)257

Instruction Submission of Papers(论文提交须知)258

Format of Papers(论文格式)259

Ways to Submit Abstracts(提交论文摘要方式)259

Notice of an International Symposium(关于国际研讨会的通知)261

Open Initiative Letter for the 1st China-US University Presidents Forum(中美大学校长论坛公开倡导信)263

Frequent Sentences(常用句子)265

Theme of Meeting(会议主题)265

Place and Time of Meeting(会议时间和地点)266

Purpose of Meeting(会议目的)266

Participants of Meeting(参加会议人员)267

Meeting Committee(会议委员会)268

Meeting Fees(会务费)269


Relevant Words(相关词汇)270

2.Invitation of Conference(会议邀请)274

Invitation Letter to Attending the Academic Conference(参加学术会议邀请信)274

Inviting to Attend an Academic Conference(邀请参加学术会议)275

Letter of Invitation to Technical Information Exchange Conference(科技信息交流大会邀请信)276

Invitation Letter of a Famous Scholar to Attend the Conference(邀请知名学者参加会议的信)278

Invitation Letter of Congress for Participation and Presentation(参加会议并宣读论文的邀请信)279

The Asia Communication and Media Forum(论坛邀请信)280

Invitation Letter of Annual Meeting(年会邀请)281

Frequent Sentences(常用句子)283

Inviting Attendance(邀请出席)283

Expecting Attendance(期望出席)284

Explanation of Relative Details(会议相关内容说明)284

Relevant Words(相关词汇)285

3.Application for Participation and Submission of Papers(申请参加会议及论文提交)287

Letter of Inquiry about General Information of Conferences (询问会议信息的信)287

Request to Attend an International Symposium and Make Paper Pre-sentation(请求参加国际科学讨论会并宣读论文)288

Letter of Accepting an Invitation(接受邀请的信)289

Letter of Declining an Invitation(拒绝邀请的信)290

Organizer's Letter about Abstract Submission and other Information(关于提交论文摘要和其他信息的信)291

Cover Letter for Submitting a Paper(提交论文的说明信)292

Inquire of Why Research Paper Has not Been Published(询问科研论文没有发表的原因)293

Frequent Sentences(常用句子)294

Desire to Participation(表达参会愿望)294

Accepting Invitation(接受邀请)295

Reminding Reply(回复确认)295

Refusing Invitation(拒绝邀请)296

Explanation to Paper Submission(提交论文说明)296

Relevant Words(相关词汇)297

4.Speeches for a Conference(国际学术会议致辞)299

Opening Speech by the Overseas Party(外方致开幕词)299

Opening Speech by the Chinese Party(中方致开幕词)301

Closing Speech at a Science Congress(科技会议闭幕词)302

Speech for Presentation(论文宣读稿)303

Frequent Sentences(常用句子)304

Declaring Open(宣布开幕)304

Welcome Expression(表示欢迎)305

Meeting Acknowledgement(会议致谢)306

Meeting Review(会议回顾)308

Educing Participants(引出参会者)308

Wishing the Meeting(祝愿大会)308

Someone Addressing(请人讲话)309

Presenter's Greeting(宣读人问候)310

Presenter's Introduction of Topics(宣读人介绍主题)310

Presenter's Introduction of Points(宣读人介绍要点)311

Conversion of Topics(转换话题)311

Confinement of Topics(限制话题)311

Offering Details(进行详解)311

Planning no Details(不打算详解)312

Leaving out the Prepared(省略已备部分)312

Conclusion of Topics(总结话题)313

Ending Presentation(结束宣读)313

Affirmation and Reply(确认并回答)314

Inquiring about more Details and Replying(询问更多细节并回答)314

Comments and Suggestions(评价和建议)315

Agreeing on Comments(赞同评价)316

Against Comments(不赞同评价)316

Reply for Uncertainty(不确定性回答)317

Thanks for Participation and Organization(感谢参会人员和组织)318

Clarifying Place and Time of Next Meeting(宣布下届会议时间和地点)319

Comment on Meeting(评价会议取得的成绩)319

Declaring Closing(宣布闭幕)319

Relevant Words(相关词汇)319

Ⅳ.Admission of International Students(来华留学)323

1.Publicizing the School for Matriculation(招生宣传)323


Schematic Structure of School Prospectus(学校招生简章)323

An Introduction of a Hish Middle School(中学简介)324

A Guide to University Coiiege(大学学院介绍)326

Leeds University Business School(利兹大学商学院招生宣传)328

Welcome to Yuxin School of Chinese (育新汉语学校留学生招生简章)331

University Recruitment of Overseas Students(大学招收来华留学生)335

Application Form for International Students to a University(来华留学生入学申请表)348

Frequent Sentences(常用句子)351



Distance and Transportation(距离和交通)353



Scale and Resources(规模和资源)354




Relevant Words(相关词汇)355

2.International Students Applying for Scholarship,Admission and Campus Life(来华留学生奖学金申请、录取和校园学习生活)362


Chinese Government Scholarship(中国政府奖学金)362

Reply to the Application for Studying in China(回复来华留学申请信)363

Admission Notice(录取通知书)365

Certificate of Scholarship(奖学金)367

Frequent Setences(常用句子)367

Financial Support(费用资助)367

Paper Submission(材料提交)368

Matriculation and Notice(录取及通知)369

Inquiry of Studying abroad(留学咨询)370


Academic Performance(学习表现)373




Qualification of Application for Studying Abroad(留学申请条件)376

Relevant Words(相关词汇)378

Ⅴ.Cooperation and Exchange of Education(合作交流)389

1.Visit,Inspection,Lecturing,Training,Teaching,Research and Management(访问、考察、讲学、培训、教学、科研和管理)389


Invitation of University President for a Visit(邀请外方大学校长访问)390

Acceptance to the Invitation on Educational Visit(关于接受教育访问的邀请)391

Change of Visit Schedule(更改访华日程)393

Tentative Arrangements for the Upcoming Group(访问团组行程的初步安排)394

Invitation of Academic Exchange(邀请参加学术交流)395

Invitation of Attending the Symposium(邀请参加专题讨论)396

Expressing Acceptance of an Invitation(接受邀请)398

Expressing Refusal of an Invitation(谢绝邀请)399

Congratulation on the Founding of the University(恭贺校庆)399

Congratulation on the Promotion(祝贺晋升)400

Thanks for the Congratulation(感谢祝贺)401

Inviting a Foreign Scholar to Give a Lecture(邀请外国学者讲学)402

Arrangements for a Lecturer(为讲学人作安排)403

Welcoming Speech at a Meeting in Honor of a Visiting Professor(在欢迎客座教授讲演会上的欢迎词)404

Answering Speech at a Welcome Meeting of Culture Exchange(在文化交流欢迎会上的答谢词)406

Thanks for a Lecturer(对讲学人表示感谢)408

Schedule for the Swiss UASS Delegation's LUT-visit(2007年4月15日瑞士索罗图门大学代表团访LUT活动安排)409

Program for LUT-UASS Students & Teachers Evening Party(LUT-UASS两校大学师生联欢晚会节目单)410

English Evening Program List(英语文艺晚会节目单)412

Remarks of an Announcer at the Evening Party(晚会主持人致辞)414

Welcoming Speech for the Arrival of the Delegation(欢迎代表团来访)415

Banquet Address(宴会致辞)417

Letter of Congratulations after an Inspection Tour(考察后感谢信)418

Letter of Thanks after a Meeting(访问后感谢信)419

Farewell Speech(交流教师告别词)420

Authorization Letter(教育合作委托书)421

About Schedule of Courses for Exchange Students(关于交流学生选课的说明)422

About Exchange Teacher'Lecture(关于交流教师的讲座内容说明)423

Definition of Credit Hours Transfer in Sino-US 1+2+1 Project(关于1+2+1项目课程学分的商定)424

Reach to One Point on Academic Plan(就课程计划达成一致)427

Asking for further Explanation to a Dual Degree Teaching Plan(就双学位教学计划请求给予说明)428

About Revision and Completion of the Academic Plan of Degree(关于教学计划的修改和制订)429

Frequent Sentences(常用句子)431

Invitation of Visit and Exchange(邀请来访交流)431

Arrangements for a Lecturer(为讲学人作安排)432

Reception and Service(接待和服务)433

Introducfion and Welcome(介绍及欢迎)434

Apply to Welcoming Speech(欢迎致辞)436


Toasting Words(宴会祝酒)438

Send-off Words(欢送词)439

Leaving-taking Words(告别)440

Course Transition and Teaching Plan for Credit and Degree(课程转换和学分、学位教学计划安排)441

Relevant Words(相关词汇)443

2.Agreement on Cooperative Exchange of Faculty and Students,Technolo-gy as well as Training and Inspection(师生、技术交流与合作及培训考察协议书)446

Cooperative Exchange Between Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou,China and East Texas Baptist University,Marshall,Texas and Howard Payne University,Brownwood,Texas(兰州理工大学一美国ETBU大学一Howard Payne大学师生合作交流协议)446

Student and Teacher Exchange Agreement Between Lanzhou University of Technology,P.R.China and University of Applied Sciences Solothurn Northwestern Switzerland(兰州理工大学与瑞士索罗森西北应用大学师生交流协议书)451

Memorandum OF Agreement(协议备忘录)460

Addendum TO Agreement(协议附件)461

Agreement on Scientific and Technological Exchange and Coope-ration between Lanzhou Polytechnieal Institute and Colorado State Institute of Technology(兰州高等专科学院和科罗拉多州理工大学关于科学技术交流与合作的协定)463

Agreement on Training and Inspection Abroad(境外培训考察协议书)466

Frequent Sentences(常用句子)472

Purpose of Agreement(协议目的)472

Selection of Faculty and Students(选派师生)474

Exchange Expenses(交流费用)477


Memorandum of Agreement(协议备忘)480

Relevant Words(常用词汇)480

3.Agreement and Plan for Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools(中外合作办学协议)483

“Sino-American 1+2+1 Dual-Degree Program”(《1+2+1中美人才培养计划》合作协议书)483

Academic Plan of Bachelor Degree in Information Management and Information System of Lanzhou University of Technology(兰州理工大学信息管理与信息系统专业本科教学计划)489

Agreement Between Victoria University of Technology And Lanzhou University of Technology Lanzhou,Gansu Province,P.R.C for the delivery of Tertiary and Further Eduction Programs(兰州理工大学—维多利亚科技大学高等教育合作办学项目协议书)500

Frequent Sentences(常用句子)527

Definition of Dual-degree Program(双学位项目概念)527

Execution of Dual-degree Program(双学位项目实施方案)528

Objective and Requirement of Cultivation(培养目标和要求)533

Requirement of Degree(学位要求)535

Description of Course(课程描述)540

Relevant Words(相关词汇)542

